Body Fat: 15.5%
Biceps: R: 14” L: 14”
Chest: 39″
Waist: 34”
Hips: [36 1/4″]
It has been another 4 weeks since the last update and the workouts and diet have stayed very consistent. I have been doing pretty good still, however, this past week hasn't been the best.
I have been continuing to avoid sugar, which I feel is one of the most important parts of this change. Regarding my workouts, I am aiming for my lifts Monday through Friday. If I need to miss a day during the week for whatever reason, I just use that week day as a rest day and push everything back one day. Per usually, my workouts are all listed in the highlights on my IG account @traveltrachs_fitness.
I am very pleased with how consistent I have been so far, however, I know that consistency needs last far beyond 2 months. My biggest problem in the past has been not being able to stay consistent with the process.
It’s time for the measurements!
It’ also MEASUREMENT TIME. My measurements from Jan 1 are in black and my measurements from today (Feb 25) are in red
Body Fat: 11.7% [12.5%]
Biceps: R: 13.25” [13″] L: 13” [13"]
Chest: 37.″” [37.75"]
Waist: 31.5” [31.25"]
Hips: [36 1/4″]
Thighs: 22” [R: 22″] L: 22” [22″]
– Blood Pressure: [118/82] – didn’t retest
– Resting HR: 60bpm [60bpm]
I’m not really sure why my body fat percentage has been going up .5% each month but I’m not too concerned about that at this point. The past 2 weeks, I slightly changed my lifts which extended the time it takes to complete. Because of this, I have not been quite as consistent about keeping up with my cardio *tsk tsk. I will use this information to help keep me more motivated with cardio and to continue on this journey. Next week, I am going to shift the cardio part to HIIT workouts!
Keep following for more updates!
It has been another 4 weeks since the last update and the workouts and diet have stayed very consistent. I have been continuing to avoid sugar, which I feel is one of the most important parts of this change. Regarding my workouts, I am aiming for my lifts Monday through Friday. If I need to miss a day during the week for whatever reason, I just use that week day as a rest day and push everything back one day. Per usually, my workouts are all listed in the highlights on my IG account @traveltrachs_fitness.
I am very pleased with how consistent I have been so far, however, I know that consistency needs last far beyond 2 months. My biggest problem in the past has been not being able to stay consistent with the process.
It’s time for the measurements!
It’ also MEASUREMENT TIME. My measurements from Jan 1 are in black and my measurements from today (Feb 25) are in red
Body Fat: 12.5% [11.5%]
Biceps: R: 13” [12 5/8″] L: 13” [12 5/8″]
Chest: 37 3/4″” [36.5″]
Waist: 31 1/4” [31 3/4″]
Hips: [36 1/4″]
Thighs: 22” [R: 21 7/8″] L: 22” [21 5/8″]
– Blood Pressure: [118/82] – didn’t retest
– Resting HR: 60bpm [60bpm]
I’m not really sure why my body fat percentage has been going up .5% each month but I’m not too concerned about that at this point. The past 2 weeks, I slightly changed my lifts which extended the time it takes to complete. Because of this, I have not been quite as consistent about keeping up with my cardio *tsk tsk. I will use this information to help keep me more motivated with cardio and to continue on this journey. Next week, I am going to shift the cardio part to HIIT workouts!
Keep following for more updates!
It has been 4 weeks and some things have changed! As I mentioned on the 8th, I got a cold and I ended up missing a few days of work and that whole week made me feel like I had to start over again once the cold went away. On January 15, I changed my entire plan including more carbs back into my diet but still minimizing sugar (I haven’t had ice cream once this month!!). My daily workouts have been posted on my Instagram Highlights under the account @traveltrachs_fitness. My diet has primarily consisted of the following:
Pre-Workout: Coffee and plain oatmeal (with either banana or cinnamon). Also I drink 24 oz water mixed with 1 scoop BCAA’s during my workout
Post-Workout: 1 scoop protein powder with 8oz milk
Breakfast: 3 fried eggs, 2-3 hard boiled egg whites, a slice or 2 of toast, a handful of spinach
Snack 1: 1/4 (or so) of plain greek yogurt with granola
Lunch: Meat, veggies, and rice or potato
Snack 2: 2 rice cakes with PB and banana
Dinner: Meat, veggies, and rice, or potato
It’ also MEASUREMENT TIME. My measurements from Jan 1 are in black and my measurements from today (Jan 28) are in red
Body Fat: 12% [11.5%]
Biceps: R: 13″ [12 5/8″] L: 13″ [12 5/8″]
Chest: 36.5″ [36.5″]
Waist: 31″ [31 3/4″]
Hips: [36 1/4″]
Thighs: 21″ [R: 21 7/8″] L: 22″ [21 5/8″]
– Blood Pressure: [118/82] – didn’t retest
– Resting HR: 60bpm [60bpm]
Before Leslie remeasured, I thought for sure my thighs increased so I don’t know how accurate it is that my R thigh lost 7/8″!! Either way, it is definitely interesting to take these measurements. I plan to continue making progress and re-posting measurements next month as well. Keep following along this page and on my fitness IG account!
Week 1 started off great until the weekend. On Saturday morning, I woke up and I could tell a caught a cold. Also, on that same day we moved to a new apartment and we got the entire move done that day. Because of this, we decided to take Saturday off from the gym. My cold escalated on Sunday. We did make it to the gym in the afternoon but I just did the recumbent bike for 20 minutes. Today, I am home from work with my cold. My diet has mainly consisted of tea and soup. I will be continuing, however, and I will continue updating my process on this page. Below, I will share my diet and workouts for Week 1.
Week 1 Diet
Week 1 Workouts
The new year is here and I still plan on sticking to my January plan! First thing this morning, we took measurements and they are as follows:
Body Fat: 11.5%
Biceps: R: 12 5/8″ L: 12 5/8″
Chest: 36.5″
Waist: 31 3/4″
Hips: 36 1/4″
Thighs: R: 21 7/8″ L: 21 5/8″
– Blood Pressure: 118/82
– Resting HR: 60bpm
We’ll remeasure at the end of the month and see if anything changes.
For my diet, I will be primarily avoiding sugars and breads. I’m going with almond milk instead of dairy, milk however, still keeping plain Greek yogurt in my diet. I’ll avoid cheese, too. My morning pre-workout and post-workout routine will be as follows:
Pre-Workout: 1/4 cup plain oatmeal with a little banana, a wee bit of honey or cinnamon
1 cup of black coffee with a 1/2 tspn of coconut oil on the drive to the gym
During Workout: Water with 1 tspn of BCAA’s
Post-Workout: 3 fried eggs, 1/4 cup potato or sweet potato, whey protein shake
I will update the page again next weekend to let you know how week 1 went!
This site is not meant to be a fitness page or a fitness blog, however, I am a physical therapist, I have worked for almost 2 years in the past as a personal trainer, I have played competitive sports through college, and I have had a passion for fitness, sports, and exercise. With that said, I wanted to share the fitness side of my life as well.
There will be no fitness posts on the main blog; only on this page.
As cliche as it may be, I am getting myself ready for a 31 day fitness plan beginning on January 1, 2018 and I want to share my story of this plan here on my blog.
My primary goal is to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve self-control with my diet (i.e. avoid eating so much damn chocolate). I do have a shoulder injury that I need to be careful of (yes, a PT with an injury…) and I will be sharing my workout routine and my diet plan on this page.
– Body Fat: This will be measured using an Omron HBF-306 Body Fat Analyzer.
– Girth: Biceps, chest, waist, and thigh measurements with a tape measure.
– Blood Pressure
– Resting HR
I am still putting together what my plan will be and I will update this as we go along!